Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


Since the movie entry I've heard from friends who have told me that when they think of me they remember my fondness for movies. I had no idea I spoke about movies that much! I was reminded by an old friend,W.,that one of our last face to face conversations happened to be about our movie - madness. . . and that I watched the DC movie channel, as did he, that had really wonderful films every week. Baltimore had a movie matinee with Tchaikovsky's piano concerto as the theme song. I have a friend who is taking a film class about Woody Allen! Isn't that great! Anyway, I told her that his comedies are like Bob Hope movies. Go ahead. Watch a Bob Hope movie and than an Allen. His serious movies are like Bergman's. We digressed to a Wayne's World discussion and the Grim Reaper not playing chess but Twister. If you've never seen the Seventh Seal - you wouldn't get the joke. I posted that photo of Alfred Hitchcock because he has influenced so many directors and after all with this last name of mine I feel an obligation. I wear a pin with his face on it and I can't tell you how many times a shop clerk will comment on it and say, " Oh - Is that your Dad?". And of course at that moment the conversational divide takes place in my head. Shall I launch into a brief nod to his importance as a director? Recite a long list of films they may have seen? Nah. I just say," Yes, a wonderful man, my dad Hitch." When my girls were little I gave them a film challenge of sorts. They were NOT allowed to watch TV without asking permission and even then I tortured them with all sorts of chores and tasks ( bed made? dishes done? world peace?) BUT if they were going to watch a movie...Okie doke by me. So one summer they asked me who I thought they should watch. I think they meant movie star. But I gave them Hitchcock , the director,to begin the film journey. Not allowed to view Psycho though. Anna had a job that summer - but Cara was free to waltz into Video Americain with me and choose the films. Somehow she discovered Esther Williams. Maybe because Cara was such a good swimmer. So I'm not really sure if in her mind she has Million Dollar Mermaid mixed up with Strangers on a Train.